akko & tamo

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We're Moving! - Episode 49

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Ever wonder how it would be to live in a different state, island, or country? After long discussions and considerations, we're making that jump to move to explore our next chapter in life. In this podcast, we talk about all the why's and how's. Join us as we dive deep into our plan for the future.

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►00:00 - Intro
►00:09 - What does Yuntaku mean? 
►00:37- TOPIC: We’re Moving! Considerations when moving with toddlers
►00:48 - Recent Happenings:  We’ve been packing for a move
►01:23 - Why We're moving? 
►05:40 - Minimal Style Moving
►07:15 - What Considerations for the move
►13:49 - Knowing that the grass is not necessarily greener on the other side

QUESTION: If you could move to anywhere in the world with your family, where would it be?

► Copyright Chillhop Music - https://chillhop.com

#movingwithkids #travelingwithkids #consciousparenting #realizeyourtruenature

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Tamo: This is episode 49. 

Akko: And the topic of the day is we're moving. Considerations when moving with toddlers. And before we get started, please take a quick moment to subscribe to our show. Now let's get back to our recent happenings. So recently we've been packing for a move. 

Tamo: as our topic of the day says we are moving. So yeah, we've been very busy packing. And prepping the home. 

Akko: Yeah. Yeah for the move. We're actually not going to bring everything with us. And we're just packing stuff. That's not needed in the house.

Tamo: Preparing things for storage and then really considering what we're going to take, right. Because we're going to be moving very minimally. And in terms of the move, we're moving to an island. We will let you guess which island. And So we'll be sharing more in subsequent episodes. And so getting back to it. Let's just go into the topic of the day. We're moving. 

Akko: Exactly 

Tamo: And as you may know it is. Akko and I, and then we have two children a daughter and a son. Our daughter who is three and our son who is one. And we've been thinking about making this move for a while. 

Akko: We've been talking about it for. quite a while. Maybe even a couple 

Tamo: I think it was oh, it would be great if. we would be able to move. And then I don't know, a little by little, it just started to really.

Akko: I think COVID really. Started the ball rolling a little bit more. 

Tamo: It accelerated. gave us the push Yeah Let's Let's get this. Show on the road type of thing and yeah. Yeah. And another reason. For the move is, we're coming into a new chapter in our lives. And. We see that a change can help with many aspects of our lives. Personally I've Moved and lived on A small island in a different country in the past. And that type of experience is it really adds to the richness and depth of one's life. And I'm hoping that this is going to be the same, it's not going to be easy. Especially with two very young children, it makes it a lot more difficult. But, within the difficulty, you tend to find a lot of hidden gems. So it is our hope. Akko and I that this move will add and enrich our lives on not only us, but our children's lives. They're still a little too young to really grasp it. But I think, I'm just, making these changes and seeing how the parents react to changes difficulties, I think can be a really great learning experience for our children. 

And another reason that we wanted to make a move now is because our children are still young enough and they have a little bit of time before they go to school. If we want to, we can go explore different areas of the globe and see if there is a better fit for the family.

Akko: Yeah and yeah. Like you were saying. a good time for the kids. Our daughter hasn't really. Got into grade school yet, so it's like perfect. There's no. Permanency not to say that just because he started school. there's a permanency there, but it's a little more flexible right now. And yeah, we just wanted them to appreciate a different culture. To see if that could open their eyes to different things. And yeah. I feel living in a different country does really open your eyes. 

Tamo: And going back to some of the reasons I think we have a lot of reasons another reason being, we're quite happy with where we're at, where we're living. Our housing situation, things like that. The area we love it. It's very convenient, but at the same time moving and exploring other areas of the globe. And Experiencing more, I think will also give us even more gratitude. If we decide to come back and for now, we're deciding to come back, we're going to probably stay for at least a year. maybe two. What we'll see. 

It'll be, Yeah. exactly. And then when we come back, I'm sure. The gratitude for where we are. We'll be much more expanded. So going into the move there had been quite a bit of a consideration. And another thing is. In the biggest picture. It's because we want to. That's what it came down to for me. Instead of. Trying to. Create all these reasons for moving. There's only real one reason. It's just because we want to.

Akko: Yeah. Yeah. And what better time? than now. And we don't want to grow old and be like, oh, we should have done it. It's already too late at that point. So why not just try right now? And it's okay. We've given ourselves. That flexibility to come back. Yeah. And just not a big deal. 

Tamo: Exactly. And also from a different perspective. It allows us to have our children, our family, part of the adventure. In the future, we'll be able to share with our children if they don't remember, all the photos of where we been and like the videos. And sharing all that. So that we have a very rich and happy past that we can always look back on. And maybe that's something that I want to talk about in future episodes.

where creating these a video montages or a photos of a really great times of your life. 

 And being able to review that so that when you look at those, you go, wow. I really had some great times and those can really pick you up when you're feeling down and things like that.

Akko: So true. That's so true. We look back on our old videos. So many times. Our daughter loves to watch them too on repeat. So it's, yeah, it's really precious. 

Tamo: Yeah. Yeah. So we'll be talking more about that. In a future episode. I'll go. Yeah we were talking about, it's going to be a minimalist move. What are we going to be taking? 

Akko: Yeah. So honestly it really the essentials so clothes. 

We're actually going to be only taking a four carry on. So two backpacks that we're carrying And then two small suitcases that can be a carry on type of size and two check-ins. so super small. You can imagine how small that will be we're Literally. putting. One to two years of our life and all that. 

Tamo: Exactly. And yeah. Considering that it's not just the two of us, but we have two very young children. Three at one. So yeah, it's a very minimal move and we're going to see how that works out for us. 

Akko: Yeah. Yeah. And we've always, we've always liked to be minimal. Anyway, when we traveled, when we used to travel without the kids or before the kids. 

Tamo: Yeah. We only took a backpack a very small backpack. Yeah. It wasn't even those backpacking backpacks, not the large ones. but it was really small 

Akko: Yeah it wasn't as small as The hiking one. So it was like pretty much in the middle. I think a 40 liters. 

Tamo: Mine was probably in the 30 liter range. 

Akko: I think i a slightly bigger one, but honestly, that's all we had. And. We've even like somewhat backpack. All around Southeast Asia. And just that one backpack.

Tamo: And those uh what a month of 

Akko: Yeah. And it was amazing. 

Tamo: Yeah, of course. If you were to go to a colder climate, it's different. We've been to iceland. and It was still we still carried very little, I think it was just a backpack. 

Akko: Yeah. we did actually. You're right. 


Tamo: we've done that in a, I think we've done. Norway to write Norway. We took a 

Akko: We took our daughter. Yeah. 

Tamo: I think five months old. 

Akko: Yeah.

four to five months old.


Tamo: yeah. Even for that. trip, it was very minimal.

But Yeah. The things that we want to share today is the considerations that we. Took when deciding on this move. We're getting very close So we're about a month out. So it's really crunch time. We're trying to button everything down and prepare, but The first one I think is research. Just continue to research. And learn. as much as you can about the place that you're going to be moving to. 

Akko: Yeah. 

and it's not going to hurt. The more research you do. It's really going to just benefit you more than anything. What you don't like about this place? What you like about this place? Consider everything. 

Tamo: Yeah. So for the research. What we've used is like Google maps and apple maps. And what we do is. Use the street view. If it's available, we use the street view and just get a feel and. will. How the place looks like. And also using other apps, like a Yelp. to Find out. What kind of food? and just reviews of certain things, w it might be a grocery store or Restaurant. or gym or whatever it 

Akko: Whatever's close by. Research. What's around that area, whether it's a hiking trail, even. is it? Is it more green? Is it more. 

Tamo: Yeah. Just so you know, it's Just so that you have. a good idea of what you're getting into. Yeah. Some other. Tools that we used is Zillow. I use Zillow a lot, just to get an idea of the housing. The rentals, and also a Zillow has. Like a school ratings. 

Akko: Oh, yeah. Yeah. It does. 

Tamo: So that considering okay , if our daughter. Is going to be going to school there. What area do you want to be And So we've been. discussing that and also for schools. Us news and report. That website also has rankings of schools. now. Just because a school is ranked high or low doesn't necessarily mean that school is good or bad for your child. So you really have to consider the environment, how you want your children to. be educated and things like that. The rankings are done by. Individuals that might not have your. Value system, right? So you have to consider that too. And also I think Akko you've been using social media, right? 

Akko: Yeah. Social media. A lot more, just, Looking up places around that area. I think I've been also using a lot of Google maps too. just to Get a feel for everything. and yeah. And what stuff is around that area? Is there a places to do grocery shopping? Whatever. 

Tamo: Exactly and again schooling is going to be. It would be a big portion if our. daughter is going to be going to school there too. We've been considering that also for most people it's going to be work. 

Akko: Yeah. Yeah. 

Tamo: Are you going to be able to find a job there? Have you. Already found a job there at depending on your financial situation, you might need to find. And secure a job before you. 


Exactly. Exactly. Thinking about the work situation. Some people nowadays are able to work from home. As long as you have internet connection. You can work. And for me personally, I'm in that position, whereas. she is. a nurse. 

Akko: Yeah. So it's a little easier to find the job and so I have a good foundation to work with. 

Tamo: Yeah. so that's very helpful in your case, if you are. needing to get to work soon after you make the move. We totally recommend you making sure that you already have a job secured. And another one. Is housing, what are you going to do about housing? So what we've been doing is looking around for Housing, what we're going to do in terms of housing is first, what we're going to do is get to our destination and then stay at our Airbnb for about a month and a 

Akko: Yeah Month and a half. And then during that month and a half, we're going to do a lot more research, drive around. the areas that we'd like

Tamo: see it in person. 

Akko: Yeah, exactly. Field area. feel the neighborhood and see how we feel about it. 

Tamo: Yeah. exactly. And then we'll secure a rental. For a year and then see how that works out. And so you might be in a similar situation. You might want to check it out or you might just be okay with a certain area and just secure a long-term. Rental or purchase a house. So that's something to consider too. And obviously when you're moving, you have to consider a residency and tax implications so that, make sure you talk to your accountant. And yeah, get that. All squared away. And in terms of transportation to right transportation that's something you want to consider. Are you going to be driving there? If you have multiple cars, how are you going to. Transport that? In our case, we have to ship it out. I'll Akko scheduled that for us. 

Akko: Yeah. Oh, it's pretty simple. You just call you reserve and then they let you know that it's going to. you have to be at the port at this date. And it's going to take about 11 to 15 days. Give or take. And then that's that? And then you get to destination and you pick up your car. 

Tamo: Yeah. And one thing that to note is when you do ship your car. It would be awesome. If you could put all your belongings in there. With the car, but Unfortunately, that's not the case of your car actually has to be pretty empty. Even the gas tank to be one fourth full and I think only thing is child car seats. 

Akko: max two car seats. So I even asked if it's Jola can be in there, but they said, no. 

Tamo: Yeah, That's a bummer. Yeah. Yeah those are the more practical considerations. And we also want to share. Like psychological aspects to moves, I think. It's easy to think, oh, I have to do this. I have to do this. I have to do this. I have to take this. I don't want to take this. But. Maybe even the bigger portion is the psychological, so for your extended family and friends, you're going to miss them. 

Akko: Oh, yeah. Yeah. You're not going to be able to see them as much.

Tamo: Yeah. Depending on where you move, if you're moving close by, that's not going to be an issue, but. For example, us, we're going to be. Moving quite far. and 

Akko: a body of water. Yeah.

Tamo: Considering that. You are going to miss your family and friends and just spend some, a little bit extra time with them before you leave. And. These can be. Awesome opportunities to, let them know you love them. Or, if you did have issues, clearing that up. Just really taking the opportunity to make the best out of this situation. And so that's something that I would like to recommend and also. In past podcast, we talked about, the overbearing mother and just if your family doesn't agree, things like that. And sometimes these moves are the opposite and is a great opportunity to. 

Open up some space in between you and either a family member that you're really having difficulties getting along with, or, sometimes it's actually a much more difficult situation that, you're not necessarily running away, but. Because you worked so hard. On the relationship, you've tried your best, but it just, sometimes you need a break and that could be another reason to. 

Akko: Yes. Yes. So there's a lot of reasons. A lot of pros. When moving. And a lot of cons too, as well. So you just have to see.

Tamo: Yeah, exactly. And the last thing that we want to share is. Knowing that the grass is not necessarily greener on the other side. When you say, okay, I'm seeing tired of this place. But this is not the case for us, but if you want to make the move because you're not really happy with where you are. Where you're currently living. Understand that wherever you go, you'll still bring. you with you. Wherever you go, You'll still be bringing you and knowing that wherever you move to is not necessarily green or maybe for a little bit, but still it's still going to be you. So you have to consider that. This is not. a move is not to run away from things. But to more so enrich your life. There are other situations where maybe your work changed. Or maybe it was a family situation that you had to move to be closer to family. So those are all different considerations, but all knowing that Hey, you're going to be bringing you. And if you don't like where you're at and you want to move, you want to strongly consider that I want to personally change too. And Akko and I have been talking. Making this move. It's not just for fun, but we we have a goal of. making a change. 

Akko: Yeah. Yeah. 

Tamo: So for Akko and I we. Are not moving just because it's fun or it's exciting. But also we have a goal in mind of, we do want to make personal changes, for example, of our health. So when we moved to a different environment, we would love to get exercise more. Get out into nature a lot. more And eat more healthy. And that's something that we've been discussing together.

Akko: Yeah. and sometimes just being in a different environment. helps obviously if I'm there for. Let's say, we moved to this place over there for a few months. And. I don't change my ways, obviously. . I'm going to be in that same situation. Like Tamo said, you're being yourself. So this change in. environment is actually like a jumpstart. Like you're giving yourself that jumpstart, the opportunity. To change. So if you don't get on that, bandwagon right away, Then you might lose that. Willpower to change. To want to change. We're hoping that once we get there, I will. Change a lot of the way we eat. 

Tamo: Exercise. just getting out 

Akko: Yeah. Yeah. I feel like I need a lot more exercise. Than I'm currently doing. And so I think. We're hoping that this would help and, help the kids too, at the same time. I mean there'll be a with nature.

Tamo: Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. It's a great opportunity. The, there's also a lot of costs in terms of, how much time we spent planning this and it's a lot of energy and, at times it's quite stressful, but. Knowing that. This can be again, a catalyst for the positive change for us. Hey it's all worth it. 

Akko: Yeah. And so moving can really be. A great way to expand your expand yourself. And. An experience. and really enrich your life. If you're. Thinking about moving and you just haven't had the courage to do it. Hey, let us help you. 

Tamo: Maybe this is the. The message that you've been waiting for, at do it right? 

Akko: Yeah. If it fits you and you've been thinking about it for a long time and you've been wanting to do it. 

Tamo: And one last thing that I want to add in terms of a move is.. The way we think about the move is we're not looking to take. Our culture to where we move. We want to be. Absorb as much as the culture that we're going to be moving into as much as possible, really respect. Going into the move with respect reverence to the culture that is already. There at our destination and then really having that culture also change us for the better. Taking the best parts of that culture and then keeping the best parts of our culture and just really understanding and becoming. more of a human. Yeah. Yeah. 

Akko: Yeah I agree. I agree. 

 So the question of the day, if you could move to anywhere in the world with your family, where would it be? 

Tamo: We love to hear from you. Please come say hi by commenting on our website, by going to AKKOANDTAMO.COM and clicking on the podcast tab, then on to episode 49. Now, if you want to contact us in another way, Please go to the contact us page. And if you want to send us a direct email, try emailing us at HELLO@AKKKOANDTAMO.COM. All right. Take care. 

Akko: All right. Bye.