akko & tamo

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Want Happier Children? Try Routines - Episode 31

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Tired of your kids going wild? Put them in a schedule! Kids love routines and having their life in order with a schedule. Believe it or not, kids find security in a schedule. Join us to find out how our daily routines helps create a win win situation.

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►00:00 - Intro
►00:14 - What does Yuntaku mean? 
►00:51 - Recent Happenings: improve our diet
►03:11 - TOPIC: Want Happier Children? Create Daily Routines 
►03:28 - Benefits of Routines  
►04:11 - Our daily routine 

QUESTION: What’s your morning routine with your child? 

► Copyright Chillhop Music - https://chillhop.com

#creatingroutines #consciousparenting #riseinlove #realizeyourtruenature

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Podcast Transcription

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Akko 0:10

It's Yuntaku Time with Akko and Tamo

Tamo 0:14

what does Yuntaku mean it's an economic word from the islands of Okinawa which means chitchat we want to invite you to our kitchen table and include you in archer to explore new ways of thinking to welcome different perspectives

Akko 0:32

and we want to share ideas and how to love yourself love your partner and shower your children with love

Tamo 0:39

this is episode 31

Akko 0:42

and the topic of the day is want happier children create daily routines and before we get started please take a quick moment to subscribe to our show

Tamo 0:51

so let's go into our recent happenings so recently we've been working to improve our diet

Akko 0:57

yes and sorry before we even start just letting you guys know that you might hear all these like cooing and grunting and it's because our son is with us and this is really the only time that we could record right now because we've been running into some issues with recording because our kids don't want us to record apparently

Tamo 1:15

so our daughter's napping so now is the chane

Akko 1:17

exactly so we're just on it so i apologize in advance if you hear any grunting cooing it's not us it's our son

Tamo 1:26

say hi so for a reason to happenings we've been working to improve our diet so it's been a little while you know we've gone through the holiday season of last year exactly you know our diet started to kind of

Akko 1:43

it took it took a big turn and because we're tired you know we're kind of going to more of the sugar processed foods and we're kind of breaking into those junk food

Tamo 1:54

and that are easy to prepare

Akko 1:57

exactly easy exactly and so you know we kind of buckled down and we were like you know this is

Tamo 2:02

this is not okay right before it gets any worse yeah

Akko 2:05

exactly and so yeah we started doing these i wouldn't call it meal preps but we decided every saturday for us that we both try to find recipes that we can make during the week and you know we both agree on so then maybe the next day on sunday we buy the ingredients and we're ready for the week right

Tamo 2:24

and the past week we did it awkward did a fantastic job and it's been really good

Akko 2:28


Tamo 2:29

yeah pretty much right now we're not going like extreme like oh it has to be completely like a strict diet per se but more going towards a course we want to introduce more greens color into our food groups and then also one thing we've been doing is having green smoothies yes

Akko 2:45

yeah we were very good about it before and then it just kind of yeah i don't know it was just we weren't consistent about it right and so now we are yeah and in the backyard we

Tamo 2:55

have garden with kale and chard to cut that and you know our daughter helps us exactly exactly and so she actually drinks it too so it's a win win for everyone

Akko 3:05

exactly exactly so that's what we've been doing so yeah let's get back to our topic of the day

Tamo 3:11

yeah the topic of the day is what happier children creating daily routines really make a huge difference absolutely who's been doing a fantastic job of creating these routines and falling through every single day and so take it away

Akko 3:24

yeah yeah so before i even get to our routine i just want to mention that kids work better being on a schedule kids love schedules and routines so routines help kids and also routines help kids feel safe and parents feel organized

Tamo 3:43

and when they're on a schedule teen it's easier for parents to get things done too so it's really a win win right exactly if it's nap time the children are always going to bed at very similar time exactly then the parents can go about working on things that they need to do outside

Akko 3:59

yeah exactly and then also if someone's taking care of them i mean it's not we can let them know like oh it's probably this or that because we have a schedule yeah so you know the two big things of why we should have routines for kids and our routine is very simple what we do is you know we wake up and our son sleeps a little longer

Tamo 4:18

our son is

Akko 4:19

two months old so he sleeps a little longer just because our daughter just wakes up a little earlier and so i take our daughter and we eat breakfast so while data and and our son or together i take our daughter to eat breakfast and just kind of hang out with her for a little bit and then for me i get to hang out with our son for a little bit and then once our son is a little bit more awake what i do is bring him out and then i make coffee exactly with my daughter

Tamo 4:45

she loves helping me make coffee we make it from scratch grinding that beam we have a hand grinder grinding that and then i love coffee so it's a pour over method so yeah if you like coffee i am a pour over person and yeah every single day bye out the dripper and then make coffee in my previous business life, I actually used to sell harville products. So I am a coffee aficionado. And if you're ever interested, let's talk coffee.

Akko 5:12

Yeah, yeah. So it's great like, so our daughter gets daddy time. And then I take our son, and feed him and play with him for a little bit. So we kind of switch. And then daddy goes to work. And I take them to the park, or I take them on a walk or, you know, whichever our daughter decides, because I usually just have her decide. And so we just have to go outside because kids need to let their energy out. Yeah. I mean, they just can't it can't be cooped up. Well, I can only speak for our daughter, but she cannot be cooped up inside our house.

Tamo 5:43

Yeah, that for a day, and you're gonna pay for it. Yeah.

Akko 5:47

I mean, the parents can go crazy over that. And so we, you know, we made sure that we take her out, and life is good. So we come back from the park, we eat lunch, and our daughter takes a nap. And our son, he it's they kind of overlap, but he wakes up in the middle of her nap. So I take him and I play with him a little bit more until our daughter wakes up. And then when our daughter wakes up, I give her some snacks. And then we're off to the park or a walk again.

Tamo 6:13

Yeah, and this is where for me my work schedule is kind of I don't want to say it's erratic, but it changes quite often. So day to day, it's a little different days that I have a lot more free time, I'll go out and go to a park with them go on a walk with them. And then days that I'm quite busy, you know, either I go into the office, or I'm working from home recently, I've been working from home a lot more, but do go into the office and things like that. So

Akko 6:37

yeah. And, you know, for those fathers that work at home, I mean, you can talk to him about how tough it is. Because when the kids are screaming, and it's just it's tough, too. It's tough to work, you know. And so props to data here.

Tamo 6:49

Yeah, no, not at all. And right now, of course, she's taking some time off. So that's why she's home. And then I tried to help when I can here and there.

Akko 6:57

Oh, yeah. And it's so helpful. It's so helpful. And then

Tamo 7:00

of course, if you decide to go back to work, that's when we have to adjust a few things. But I don't think that's a big Yeah, sure. Yeah.

Akko 7:07

Not a big issue. But yeah, so that's what we do. And then so when we come back from the park, or the walk from a second time we eat dinner, and then we take a shower. After the shower, we put our PJs on brush your teeth, and then we read a bedtime story. And then we go to sleep.

Tamo 7:23

Yeah. And we do clean up. Oh, yeah. Clean right before the shower.

Akko 7:27

Yes, yes. Right before that. Or after after? Yeah. Depends on the day. Exactly. It depends on our mood, too. I mean, when she's not feeling up to it, and we can't really force her to do it. We say okay, let's do it after. And then it usually works. It's just a different environment, different changing scenery for a little bit, and then you come back to it, and then she's ready to do it. Right. Right.

Tamo 7:47

And just to give you guys perspective, our daughter is two years old. So she's in that development stage right now. So we don't really force her. But he really encouraged her to help us clean. Exactly. Just a little goes a long ways.

Akko 8:01

Exactly, exactly. You just kind of have to make it fun. And make it like a play. Yeah, you know, like, for example, you're going to put something toys in a bag, like you're just like, hey, let's make a basket. And then you know, and we all kind of Hitchen. And then she's like, Oh, this is kind of cool. And then she does the same thing. So yeah. So that in a nutshell, is our routine of the day.

Tamo 8:23

Right? And wouldn't it be a dream if the routine is the same every single day, but of course, things move around, shift around and some days are easy, some days are much more difficult. But overall, that is the routine. And it really does help.

Akko 8:40

It does. It does. And yeah, it really helps. She knows the drill. She knows that you know, once bedtime story comes she's sleep time. And our son is really good about you know, when he's put being put in a sleep sack. He's like, Alright, this is sick time. Alright, I'm going to sleep now. Right? So this is the only time we would get him in our sleep sack. Because this is the longer sleep it is going to do. And it's kind of been working. So crossing my fingers that mama and daddy will have better sleep in the near future.

Tamo 9:09

Cool. So for the question of the day, what's your morning routine with your child?

Akko 9:15

We'd love to hear from you. Please come say hi, on our new website by going to AKKOANDTAMO.COM. That's akkondtamo.com and subscribe to our email newsletter to keep up to date with each new podcast.

Tamo 9:33

All right. All right. Take care. Bye