akko & tamo

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Unique Ways to Manage Stress - Episode 17

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Stress is an energy drainer and can affect your health in many ways including physically, mentally, emotionally, and transcendentally. In this way individuals need to find ways in which to cope with stress in a healthy manner. In this podcast we discuss our non conventional ways of dealing with stress to lead a healthy and enjoyable life. How do you deal with stress? We’d love to hear from you. Join us as we discuss our strategies with you.

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►00:15 - What does Yuntaku mean?
►00:54 - Recent Happenings: Intermittent Fasting
►05:28 - TOPIC: Unusual ways to manage your stress
►06:16 - Categorizing stress into physical, mental, emotional and transcendent
►08:22 - Relationship between Emotional and Mental Stress
►09:31 - How Akko Manages Stress: Become Aware, Scan, Stay Equanimous, Bring Light
►12:09 - How Tamo Manages Stress: Vaporizing technique: Visualize, Question, Vaporize, Letting go

QUESTION: What type of stress do you commonly get stuck on?

►Dr. Jason Fung: "The Obesity Code" - https://amzn.to/3dD2eAL
►Dr. Jason Fung: "The Diabetes Code" - https://amzn.to/3nZu1QM
►Dr. Jason Fung: "The Cancer Code" - https://amzn.to/31eJVwY

► Copyright Chillhop Music - https://chillhop.com

#stressmanagement #relationshipgoals #consciouscouple #riseinlove #realizeyourtruenature

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Podcast Transcription

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Akko 0:00

Encourage everyone to scan your body once in a while, whenever you're feeling a very deep emotion so that you can start to recognize where your emotions are located. If Yuntaku time with Akko and Tamo,

Tamo 0:14

What does Yuntaku mean? It's an Okinawan word from the island of Okinawa, which means chitchat. We want to invite you to our kitchen table, and include you in our chit chat, to explore new ways of thinking, to welcome different

Akko 0:32

perspectives. And we want to share ideas and how to love yourself, love your partner, and shower your children with love.

Tamo 0:40

This is Episode 17.

Akko 0:42

And the topic of the day is unusual ways to manage your stress. But before we get to our recent happenings, please take a quick moment to subscribe to our show. And as far as our recent happenings, we wanted to talk about intermittent fasting. So intermittent fasting, we've been doing this for a few years now, and kind of in and out with me in particular, I have done 20 hours of intermittent fasting and then four of that eating window. And then the average was usually 18 hours of fasting and then six hours of that eating window. And it really worked great for me, I usually would eat little later. And then wherever that six hour mark or that four hour mark stopped is when I stopped. And it really worked out for me, I was able to see a big difference people around me with a will to see a big difference. And with this, you still have to kind of watch out what you eat. I mean, you can't just eat whatever you want. Because you will tack on some calories if you're not being watchful, but I wanted to just turn the mic over to Tamo. So he can let you know of his experience.

Tamo 1:51

Yeah, sure. I've been also intermittent fasting for quite a while now. And one thing that I want to say is intermittent fasting is As it's said, in mitten, fasting, so you're not fasting for the whole day. But there are, for example, 16 hour fasts where you don't eat for 16 hours, and you eat an eight hour feeding window, there's a 18, six, and then 20, and four, so 2020 hours of fasting and four hours of eating. And then there's so many different other types of fats, where you've passed for 24 hours, 36 hours, there are many types of fasting out there. The reason that I started is I have a family history of diabetes. So I want to make sure that I do what I can now, so that I don't go into pre diabetes or diabetes in the future. I love my carbs, I love pasta, breads, rice, all those things. So I have to be mindful when I eat. And also by adding intermittent fasting, it not only helps with the processing of glucose, but it also helps with other benefits such as increased growth hormone, and a toffee G, which is when your body processes and eats up the cells that are no longer really functioning that well. And so for that I would definitely recommend Dr. Funds work. So check them out. If you just type in Dr. Fung, if you n g, he has a great book on fasting out there. So yeah, definitely check it out. And fasting has been done for the millennia. In religious texts, you'll see fasting for health reasons, you'll see fasting. And it's just something that had been lost throughout the ages. And people are starting to really pick that up and see that, you know, yes, you save time, because you don't have to think about cooking and eating as much you feel better, you feel lighter, your mind is a lot sharper. So there's a lot of benefits. And so if you want to start intermittent fasting, again, talk to your doctor first and make sure that you are all set to go for intermittent fasting and test it out yourself. And we'll also be linking all these information on our website. So check out utuc time.com for a show notes and transcripts.

Akko 4:04

Yeah, and just to add to that, I just want to let you know that intermittent fasting, in addition to asking your doctor if it's safe or not, it's not for everyone, you know, some people's body are not meant to be intermittent fasted with. And so just be mindful that every person is different, and how their body adapt to different types of lifestyles.

Tamo 4:24

And so again, it's all an experiment tested out if it works for you great if not, try something different. And of course, if you've never fasted before, it's going to be a little uncomfortable, but you can always work yourself up to it. So you start with the 16 and then go to 18 and then the 20 and then maybe you can do some longer pass. For myself. I've been doing that 18 hour fast. And quite recently I did a little longer fast, which was I think, in the closer to 40 hours, but for some reason. I don't think I prepared myself right and I just felt really awful like really, really bad. Through all my fast I've done 48 hour pass in the past two, but it didn't feel like that. So I think there's something off. So I just said, Hey, in this case, I can tell something is off. So let's just call it quits at this time. And then I we fed slowly. So again, do your research. And for some longer, fast may works for some, it may not so listen to your body. And best of luck.

Akko 5:27

Yes. So let's get back to our topic of the day, unusual ways to manage your stress. So the reason why we're bringing this up, because everyone deals with stress. And we thought that it might be a good idea to let you guys know how we manage our stress.

Tamo 5:43

Yeah, exactly. There are many ways to deal with stress. And not only that, there are many different types of stress, right. But in the end, stress is stress. And it does affect your mind, your body, your emotion, and much more. So we wanted to share some unusual ways that we manage those stress. And for example, the types of stress it can be relationship stress, it can be work stress, it could be family stress, it can be stress, because you're in pain, physical pain. And so there are many different types of stress and categorizing this stress into the physical, mental, emotional may help you understand the stress better. So for example, if it's a physical stress, it might be because you're getting less sleep than you should, like we'd have been when you have a

Akko 6:31

toddler that doesn't sleep through the night,

Tamo 6:34

right. It's quite difficult to get your rest. Yes, she's been still waking up quite a few times at night.

Akko 6:42

Yeah, recently. It's been really bad. Yeah, I don't know what it is. I don't know if it's growth pains or

Tamo 6:47

Yeah. And I think that she's actually been having some teeth coming out.

Akko 6:51

Yeah, I think she's forever teething. So I hope this is really the last, hopefully one of the last times our word nearing an end in that teething phase. Because we see a lot of teeth in her mouth. So yeah, the physical pain.

Tamo 7:05

Yeah. So with the sleep, you know, you can, of course, that itself is stress, maybe if you're eating poorly, that's actually stress on your body. Right? Yeah. And so again, it could be trauma, like trauma to your body. So there's all sorts of stresses that your physical body can endure. But not only that, there's mental emotional stress, where it's something that you think about, you think about something, and that stresses you at work, maybe you have work, stress, maybe it's coworkers, or just thinking about certain things, stresses you out. And then that thinking then slowly translates into how you feel. Yep, so it's the emotional and then from there can also start affecting your physical. So it can be either or right, sometimes the physical pain will affect your emotional and mental health. Whereas It can also be the opposite from mental down to the physical. So keep that in mind. And also another category that I am working on currently, which is a transcendent, it could be considered the spiritual. And since that's something I'm working on, I would love to really get a much better grasp and understand it before I share that with you. So in the future, I'd love to be sharing more about the transcendent. It's beautiful.

Akko 8:21

Yeah, and, and to add to that, we just want to let you know that usually, with mental stress and emotional stress, most of the time you're mentally stressed, and then the emotions come afterwards. So the emotions are always a little delayed compared to the mental, let's say if you're experiencing both stress, so just keep that in mind that the emotional is always delayed compared to the mental compared to the thinking in the mind. So that's something that we just wanted to let you guys know.

Tamo 8:47

Yeah. And also, emotional, usually sticks around, it's a lot more sticky, right? Thinking wise, yeah, it's a little easier for you to think about something different. Of course, when you program your mind by thinking about certain things again, and again, and again, of course, it'll create more grooves in your brain that makes it easier to think about this stressful thing. But again, by thinking about that, the emotions come slowly. But once they come, they're a lot more sticky. So keep that in mind when dealing with this. Emotions are a little bit more sticky. So you'll have to stick with it in order to kind of relieve that type of stress. Yeah, so yeah, thank you for bringing that up. buckle. So Apple, can you share with us what your unusual way to manage stresses?

Akko 9:35

Yeah, so usually when I feel stressed, I usually try to become aware of what type of emotions I'm going through, just because I'm a more feeling based type of person. So I try to see what type of emotions I'm feeling. Am I feeling angry or anxious, or am I nervous? So I try to pinpoint what type of emotion I'm actually feeling and after I pinpoint What type of feeling I'm feeling I scan my body to see where it is. And I know we've talked about this before, but it's really important. Usually the same emotions appear in the same areas of your body. So go to that same spot you're not used to scanning, just scan your body to see where it is, is it on your shoulders? Is it in your throat, is it in your chest, your upper chest is in your heart, solar plexus, there are so many places that your emotions can lie within your body. So it's very important to see where exactly that emotion is located in your bodies. So I encourage everyone to scan your body once in a while, whenever you're feeling a very deep emotion so that you can start to recognize where your emotions are located. And once you feel this energy, state economists and I know we bring up this word a lot economists. So what economists means is inner calm, composure, mental calmness. So think about a still Lake, it's so calm, and it becomes a mirror, you just have to be that calm about it. So you're not reacting to any of our emotions that you're feeling, you just watch it and then slowly, they'll dissipate. And if it doesn't, you can always try to bring light to it by imagining the light of the sun, or the energy from the core of the Earth rise up, or come down. If it's the sun, and then try to have it really your body and then try to have it kind of lighten up that part of your body that you're feeling that an emotion from and it usually lightens up, it usually becomes lighter. And that's been my experience with dealing with emotions. And how about you? Tamo?

Tamo 11:40

Yeah, thanks for sharing. So your method is to become aware of your emotions, and kind of located in your body. Where is it? Yeah, my body. And then once you find it, by scanning your body with your awareness, what you do is you stay quantumness and then bring light to it if you need. So bringing the light from the sun or the core of the Earth and bringing that light and penetrating the tough emotion that you're going through. That's awesome. For my case, it's interesting because mine is slightly different in a way that it uses the mind a little bit more. And I call it the vaporizing technique. And the way I do this is when I'm stressed. Of course, when you're stressed, sometimes we're very unaware of it, we just kind of know that we're stressed when it gets really bad. But we tend to not see kind of the more subtle stress that kind of grows into a bigger stress. But for me, when I feel stressed, I visualize what is stressing me out. So if it's something to do with work, I visualize what's happening. And then I tried to go a little deeper to figure out why is that what why is that certain thing stressing me out. Okay. And then once I figure that out, what I do is, I imagine I visualize that certain thing in my mind. And then when I do that, I start to let go, I start to let go by visualizing that image, vaporizing and then letting that go. So I'll do it a couple of times. So I'll visualize that stressful thing, and then vaporize it. Just like a puff of smoke, just like clouds in the sky that just passes and just dissipates. That's how I imagine it and just let go. And imagine the brain softening the stress, vaporizing. And that's the technique I used the vaporizing technique to process stress.

Akko 13:37

That's beautiful. So you visualize the stress first, and then you go deeper as to why you're feeling the stress. And then you vaporize that image.

Tamo 13:48

Yep, exactly. And so it's a really a big letting go process. So for example, let's say a spider is stressing me out. Okay, so we'll take that example. I visualize that spider. And then imagine that spider just vaporizing like a puff of smoke like a cloud that dissipates in the sky in that way. And it's not a violent thing. But it's just slowly just have it dissipate in my mind. And I'll do that a couple of times. And then through that, I can see that my body starts to react to the things that I'm thinking, which is the vaporizing and then, of course, bonus points is you then relax all the body parts that I've been holding tension and because a lot of tension is held in the body.

Akko 14:34

Mm hmm. That's beautiful. So yeah, like someone was mentioning, a lot of tension is held in your body. So we encourage everyone really to pinpoint where in your body you feel the most stress. So a lot of times people might have a lot of shoulder pain or back pain. Maybe that's where you hold your stress and that's why you have those pain bodies.

Tamo 14:55

Yeah, and that's why exercises like these are so awesome because every One has different ways of getting handling stress. Some people might hold a lot of stress in their body. Most people do we we hold tension. And for some people, it might be in the hands, some people it might be in the head, some people it might be in the face, some people like me, are in the shoulders. And so it really depends. And the more you do these type of exercises, you get to understand yourself at a deeper level. And then from that even dealing with stress becomes custom tailored to you, so that you create your own technique. And then from there, it's really a matter of getting to know yourself more and more and more so

Akko 15:40

yeah, yeah. So it's also another way to get to know yourself in a deeper way. I someone just mentioned. So what type of stress Do you commonly get stuck on?

Tamo 15:50

Is it physical stress, mental stress, emotional, we'd love to hear from you. Please come say hi on our new website by going to Yuntaku time.com. That's all one word. Yuntaku time.com All right. See you soon. Bye, guys.