akko & tamo

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Newborn Essential Products - Episode 30

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Overwhelmed with all the newborn products? Want to know what’s really essential? Having our first kid, we realized that they really didn’t need THAT much. With our second kid, we confirmed those essentials! In this podcast, we share what parents really need for their newborns. Join us as we dive deep with all the necessities. 

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►00:00 - Intro
►00:09 - What does Yuntaku mean? 
►00:46 - Recent Happenings: How we manage our daughter’s energy?
►02:58 -  TOPIC: Newborn Essentials 
►03:31 - Sleeper Gown 
►04:44 - Grooming Items
►05:29 - Gentle Shampoo and Bodywash
►06:05 - Burb Cloth/Hand Towel 
►06:54 - Baby Bottles
►10:24 - Pacifier 
►12:15 - Swaddle/ Blankets 
►13:19 - Diaper Pail

QUESTION: What are some of the newborn essentials that you would like to share with us? 

Bibs Pacifier
Ubbi Diaper Pail

Baby Organic Cotton Kimono Sleeper Gown
Suction Bulb - Cleanable & Reuseable 
Nose Frida
Puracy Shampoo & Body Wash 
Muslim Burp Cloth
Avent Glass Bottles
NUK Glass Bottle w/ Anti-Colic Silicone Teat 
NUK Glass Bottle w/ Latex Teat 
Dr. Brown Narrow Glass Bottle 
Bibs Pacifier (0-6months) 
Zen Swaddle
Ubbi Diaper Pail
Ubbi Plastic Bags for Diaper Pail

► Copyright Chillhop Music - https://chillhop.com

#naturalbirth #birthingstory #riseinlove #realizeyourtruenature

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Podcast Transcription

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Akko 0:00

He was using my nipple as a pacifier. And during that time, my nipples were very it used that time with Akko and Tamo.

Tamo 0:09

What does Yuntaku mean? It's an Okinawan word from the islands of Okinawa, which means chitchat. We want to invite you to our kitchen table, and include you in our chitchat to explore new ways of thinking, to welcome different perspectives.

Akko 0:28

And we want to share ideas and how to love yourself, love your partner, and shower your children with love.

Tamo 0:35

This is Episode 30.

Akko 0:37

And the topic of the day is newborn essentials. And before we get started, please take a quick moment to subscribe to our show. Now let's get back to our recent happenings.

Tamo 0:48

Yeah, for our recent happenings, our daughter she is quite an energetic one. And she just bounces all over the place. Oh, yeah. And yeah, we've been kind of trying to figure out okay, what can we do to help her process all that energy? Yeah. And we've noticed that if she doesn't get out, that day is kind of a rough day for her just because she has so much energy that she needs to release and it just gets trapped. And it becomes a difficult day for the parents. Yeah,

Akko 1:17

all of us.

Tamo 1:19

And so we figured out that having her go out and play in the park two times a day, one morning and one in the afternoon helps her expend the energy that she has

Akko 1:29

a lot a lot like it's that's a night and day difference. Before we used to just do maybe once a day, but that is not enough. Yeah, yeah. She

Tamo 1:37

actually needs two times a day. And with that she listens a little more. She's in a lot better mood, right? She's Yeah, definitely happy. Yeah.

Akko 1:45

When she's just at the house and she's not able to go out. We can tell that she's more antsy.

Tamo 1:51

Yeah, more frustrated, yeah. Frustrated,

Akko 1:52

she gets very frustrated easily. She gets upset easily. And she's just she is very difficult to handle.

Tamo 1:59

Yeah. And, you know, since we've been taking her out to play at the park two times a day, it's made a really big difference for her. So, uh, making a big difference for her means happier parents.

Akko 2:10

Exactly, exactly. And so, yeah, so that's what we've been doing. And it's been working out. And yeah,

Tamo 2:19

great, great. Yeah. And something that we do, you know, we now have our son newborn. And so there are times that I would take my daughter out to go to a park. And mama gets to relax a little bit, although, with the newborn is not much relaxing, but you know, a little bit more, and sometimes mama takes her out. So it's just, you know, we kind of do the trade off. Sometimes we go as a family, which is fine, too. So we're just mixing everything up. And then just making sure that that routine in the schedule of ones in the morning. And once in the afternoon, after her nap, she gets to get out.

Akko 2:54

Exactly, exactly. And then she gets mom and dad at time.

Tamo 2:57

Yeah, she does.

Akko 2:58

Alright, so let's get back to our topic of the day. So newborn essentials. So we just wanted to just quickly go over a shortlist of newborn essentials. I mean, the list can go on and on. But we think that this is absolutely a must.

Tamo 3:14

Right. And we'll talk about each one and make some comments on it. So we just had our second child. And so we're going through this for the second time. Yes. And so we have a better grasp of what's really needed and what's really not as important. So yeah, let's get started. What's the first one you have?

Akko 3:32

Yeah, so the first one is a sleeper gown. So these are kind of like onesies that are open at the bottom.

Tamo 3:39

Yeah, so it's kinda like a dress, but like a really long dress that extends beyond the feet.

Akko 3:44

Exactly. And then it covers it has like those mitten sleeves. So you could protect the hands if need be, or cover the hands if need be.

Tamo 3:52

So it doesn't scratch his or her face. Exactly. And then in terms of sleeper gowns, for us with our daughter, we didn't know about sleeper counts, just found out so probably on the late train. But yeah, for those who haven't heard about it, check it out, because it makes diaper changes much easier. So much easier. I

Akko 4:09

mean, especially at night. I mean, you know, you're like half asleep, you don't want to like unbutton or zip or unzip and take out the legs. I mean, it's just so much easier. You just kind of push it

Tamo 4:20

up, right, right, you pull up the gown, you pull up the gown, and then it's really easy to change. And it's a better experience for your newborn to because it's faster, right? And so your newborn doesn't have to deal with the parents napping on the buttons or anything like that. So it's easier. And so yeah, the sleeper gowns we do recommend it. So check it out. It may work for you. It may not but it's worth trying that.

Akko 4:42

Exactly, exactly. And as far as grooming, you know, nail clippers, suction bowls or the nurse Frieda. I mean those two are probably the most important as far as grooming goes.

Tamo 4:55

And maybe you can share what nose readers

Akko 4:57

get nose Rita is suction control. option where the parent has one and and the other end goes into the newborn or baby's nose.

Tamo 5:07

It's kind of like a tube. Yeah, it's a tube with like a plastic kind of a shuttle that goes into the.

Akko 5:13

And the parent just pretty much sucks.

Tamo 5:15

Yes. So the parent is using their lung power to suck the snot out of the baby's nose. Yeah, exactly.

Akko 5:23

So that's helpful. Or you can just use old fashioned bulb, whichever one you prefer. Right. And as far as bathing goes, Yeah,

Tamo 5:31

of course. Yeah, you want to have, you know, very gentle soap shampoo. So you know, the baby shampoo the body wash, too. And we like to use it curacy is a lot more natural.

Akko 5:42

Yeah, no parabens, or no toxic agents.

Tamo 5:46

For the baby, right? And all this will be linked on our website. So if you're interested, please come check it out. Yeah. And also on the podcast notes on your podcast player Oh, show, so you can just click on the link and head on over to our website. So yeah, again, baby shampoo body wash, and then you're gonna go to the next one.

Akko 6:05

Yeah. So the next one is birth cloth or, you know, any towel. But something that could catch if the baby does throw up?

Tamo 6:12

Yeah. And it does happen that, you know, not all babies are the same. And so maybe your baby doesn't at all, which is congratulations. In our case, our son, he's starting to throw up a little bit more often. Yeah. So

Akko 6:26

and even when you're breastfeeding, or bottle feeding, yeah, you know, when they spill milk, you want to just have some type of cloth or verb cloth to catch it right and clean it up.

Tamo 6:35

And again, it can be a simple towel, just a hand towel or just a hand towel. And the reason we have burp cloth is because we can separate it from your hand towels versus specific use. That's why we got her claws in. For me. I like the texture too.

Akko 6:51

Yeah, it's not softer. And I agree. Alright, so moving on, for those that are bottle feeding.

Tamo 6:58

Yeah. And even for bottle feeding for parents that want to breastfeed a that's, that's great. And even for us, we want to breastfeed as much as possible in regards to breastfeeding and bottle feeding people do have quite strong opinions. And for us, we prefer breastfeeding. And, of course, seen the lactation consultant how many times I mean, with our first child, our daughter, I think you probably saw them like five times. Oh, I

Akko 7:24

think way more than I was. Yeah. Cuz I used to go every week, twice a week, because I really wanted our daughter to really learn how to latch on correctly, but she just never talked to my breath. Yeah.

Tamo 7:36

And, you know, there were reasons for that, because, you know, she was born and she had to go to the NIC queue. So he was introduced to the bottle. Very, I mean, right after she was born so early on. Right, right, right.

Akko 7:50

Yeah. So there's a lot of reasons why she took the bottle, right, easily.

Tamo 7:54

And so what we're trying to say is, hey, there's not a right or wrong, no. And sometimes even if you want to breastfeed, so there's times you just can't

Akko 8:02

Yeah. And I was that person, I just had to let go of that. That idea of breastfeeding.

Tamo 8:07

It has to be,

Akko 8:08

yeah, that it had to be breastfeeding. And I just had to let go of that idea. And it's okay. I mean, for those mothers that are having to go through the same thing that I went through, it's okay, I understand. We're all in this together. And as long as a baby's growing, that's really the most important thing that we should really all think about.

Tamo 8:28

Yeah. And with our son, he is taken to the breast. And so what we're doing is we actually do what maybe like 80% breast and 20% bottle something?

Akko 8:38

Yeah, so yeah, maybe a bottle a day or every other day is what we're doing, just so that he learns how to take to the bottle.

Tamo 8:46

Right, right. And one thing that I want to share as a dad, is that when it's bottle time, I can participate in feeding the child in it really is a bonding experience, especially when we had our daughter, I fed her a lot too. And I think that helped me bond with her quicker and deeper. And now that I'm starting to do so with our son, I'm starting to get, you know, starting to bond even more. And so I think it's a great thing. So it's never just one thing where Okay, you're not breastfeeding, that's bad. No, you got to do what is best for everyone in the situation. So think what's best for you as a parent, mom, dad, and then your child? Yes. So yeah, in regards to bottles, we've tried quite a few different type of bottles, and we continue to go back to the Philips event bottles, those are vented, and we really like

Akko 9:37

it. Yeah, and the nipples designed so that the baby could open their mouth a lot wider so that it kind of mimics a breast a lot more than other nipples that are much narrower. And

Tamo 9:50

nipples come in different flow rates. So make sure you get the newborn one and then your child can grow with it.

Akko 9:56

Yeah, exactly. And you know, if your child doesn't Take that then you can just try another nipple.

Tamo 10:03

Right? Right. Yeah, we've tried something called the milk. Yeah. Yeah. And then we've also tried Dr. Brown's

Akko 10:10

Yeah, we tried a lot. Yeah, I tried a lot. So many. Yeah. And you know, sometimes we we can just be persistent too. And the baby kind of takes to it too, right. So it all depends, right?

Tamo 10:18

Whatever works again, exactly. So whatever works, whatever works for you and your child. Exactly.

Akko 10:24

So let's move on to the next one.

Tamo 10:27

The next one is the pacifier. And the pacifier. Again, this, you know, people can have strong opinions. For us, especially mama had very strong opinions against the pacifiers. I actually did too. But you know, with more research and just a situation, we use the pacifier for our daughter, and it worked out.

Akko 10:45

Yeah, it worked out. And for our son, we were a little more easy going. And we saw that he was using my nipple as a pacifier. And during that time, my nipples were very damaged, raw and cracked and bleeding from all that was happening, because he wasn't latching on correctly at that time. And so you have to do what you have to do again, and it just wouldn't make sense for him to keep using my nipple as a pacifier and damaging my nipples more so because it could have led to me not breastfeeding him anymore. So you know, there's always choices. And so we decided to use a pacifier and it is working out perfectly. I'm still able to breastfeed him. And my nipples are recovering. Yeah.

Tamo 11:32

And for our son, he doesn't really like the pacifier as much as our daughter, but you know, we use it as a tool. Again, we use it try to use it as consciously as possible. We don't just give it to him any time but when he needs it, and of course, for mamas healing. So that's how we use it.

Akko 11:49

Yeah, exactly.

Tamo 11:50

And also, one more point is we actually did a YouTube video review of the bibs pacifier, so please check that out. If you're interested in pacifiers. It uses bibs uses a natural rubber latex opposed to silicone. And so yeah, if you're interested in it, again, links all on the show notes and by going to our website.

Akko 12:14

Wonderful. Alright, moving on. Next one is swaddle blankets. So whatever you need to use for swaddle blankets, you can just use the traditional blankets you can use like those actual Velcro, pre designed swaddles. So there's various ones that you can use, there's ones that are kind of like weighted so that it feels like there's like a parent's hand on top of the baby's chest. That one's called, I think Zen swaddle. But there's a lot of swaddles out there, but you know, something, you probably want to get one, so that baby still feels like it's in the womb, and so they feel a little more comfortable when they are sleeping.

Tamo 12:50

Right, exactly. And just with anything that we mentioned, you don't have to buy things, it's just you know, sometimes, some products make things a lot easier for your life. And but when it comes to swaddle data wasn't really that good at swaddling. When we use the Zen swaddle, it's just Velcro. So you put your child in, and then Velcro it up. And then it's all good. And it's much faster, or at least in my case, it was much faster. And so there are products that also help. Exactly.

Akko 13:18

So yeah, and so let's move on to our last thing that is needed that we think is very essential, and that is a diaper pail.

Tamo 13:26

When it comes to the diaper pails, this one that I think is very, very important. The reason is, in the beginning, what we had was a we had a open trashcan that we would throw the diapers in. And as you can imagine, it really makes the room smell. And so we looked for a diaper pail, it's a sealed one called Ooby, the one who uses Ooby again, or we create a review video on YouTube. So please check it out. Again, link in the show notes. But anyways, Whoopi is sealed and it keeps all the smells in gas. And then when it's time to change it, you know, you just open it up, take out the trash bag, and you dump it out. But that really helps.

Akko 14:07

life savings, your diaper pail. I mean it you don't smell the dirty diapers, because as you can imagine it really smells after it's just in there for a while.

Tamo 14:18

Yeah. And we've been using it for two years, and it's still going very strong. Now one thing that I would recommend, especially if you have one or planning to get one I sanitize it with alcohol once in a while. Yeah. And so yeah, that's a that's a tip.

Akko 14:32

Absolutely. And yeah, this is probably one of the most as far as newborn essentials. I mean, you need some type of diaper pail that keeps that smell inside. Right,

Tamo 14:43

right. And that makes it so that you don't have to always go outside to throw away your diaper. You can throw it in the diaper pail and yeah, until that gets full. You're good to go. Wow. Especially with our second child. It's gone. I mean, we're filling nothing up real fast.

Akko 15:00

Yeah, yeah. And yeah, newborns just are some peas a lot. And just do we have to constantly change? Well, every newborn is different. But he is a newborn that wants to be changed all the time.

Tamo 15:11

Yeah. Yeah. So they're to our daughter, who is completely opposite. But yeah. So and also to our listeners, if you have any tips or maybe more eco conscious diapers that really work well for you please share with us we'd love to know more. Yeah, yeah. Because the ones we've been trying it just hasn't been working that Yeah. Does it absorb as well?

Akko 15:31

Yeah, exactly. And I know there's cloth diapers too, right. But we were thinking if there's something else other than cloth diapers, right, so yeah.

Tamo 15:40

All right. So question of the day is, what are some of the newborn essentials that you'd like to share with us? We'd love to hear from you. Please come say hi, on our website by going to a co Ed tamo.com. And please subscribe to our email newsletter to keep up to date with each new podcast.

Akko 16:01

All right. Thank you. All right.

Tamo 16:03

Take care. Bye.