akko & tamo

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How to Plan Your Family Vision Board - Episode 38

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“Live the Life of Your Dreams: Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.” 
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

So Let's live our dream life! Let's help each other! What is your vision for 2022? You're 20% there by painting yourself that vision. 20% for just jotting down that vision! So let's start our 2022 with a vision for ourselves. A vision of out dream life. Join us as we dive deep in how we created our vision for 2022. 

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►00:00 - Intro
►00:06 - What does Yuntaku mean? 
►00:32- TOPIC:  Annual family vision board 
►00:43 - Beach Day with the Family
►02:08 - How we plan our Annual Vision Board
►04:48 - Vision for our Podcast
►05:36  - Akko's Vision for 2022
►08:41 - Tamo's Vision for 2022
►12:53  - Our Family's Vision for 2022

QUESTION: What are you family and personal vision for 2022

► Copyright Chillhop Music - https://chillhop.com

#parentingtips #consciousparenting #riseinlove #realizeyourtruenature

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Podcast Transcription

The transcription below is provided for your convenience, please excuse any errors made by the automated service.

Tamo: This is episode 38. 

Akko: And the topic of the day is our annual family vision board. And before we get started, please take a quick moment to subscribe to our show. 

Now let's get back to our recent happenings.

Recently we had a beach day with the family to ring the new year. 

Tamo: It was really fun. Wasn't 

Akko: it Yeah 

it was, it was a lot of fun. It was actually. 


of unintended. Water play. We intended to just take, our bike trailer.

and walk on the strand of the beach. 

And that just ended up. Becoming go into the water day. 

Tamo: Yeah, playing. 


And Yeah.

of course we could have probably guessed that, I don't know what we're thinking. We thought that we'd be able to just walk on the strand portion of the beach, but no. Obviously our kids wanting to go onto the sand 

Akko: Yep we had.


Tamo: Yeah. 

And so they.

Had to get into the ocean. You know, they had fun. 

Akko: Yep And sorry, just to let you guys know, our son is joining us. So if you hear any rattling or anything, He just wants to say hi. But yeah, anyways. Yeah. Going back to the beach story, we had extra clothes, so we were prepared in that way, but. Yeah, we didn't expect to go into. Water or sand but here we are. Wet children and 

Tamo: yeah. So lesson learned every time you always have to be prepared. right? I mean, we've anyone. Yeah. 

Akko: You can never be over-prepared 

Tamo: right, right. Yeah, I think we could've told ourselves.

But Yeah. it was really fun. had a great time and. Our daughter was telling us.

oh, I want to go back to the beach today. I want to go back to the beach today. So. So we may.

go back. Sometime this week, so, yup. So with that said today's topic of the day is our annual family vision board. Happy new year. it's 2022. 

Akko: year 

Tamo: And Wow. It's. It's been 2021. Went by. Quite quickly for us.

And, you know, for everyone, like the past two years have been. 

it's really an odd time in humanity, right? And It's been seemingly polarizing for people like extreme, positive, or extreme negative.

the experiences of highs and lows. 

But a new year has started and we want today's episode to be a chance for you to ignite your own courage. So you can take steps alongside us to do the things that you've always wanted to do? 

and To become the person you've always wanted to be right.

Taking steps towards that. And we have really big plans for this year. But let's get started. 

So to explain. Our annual vision board, How it works is we will have a section, right? So we have a personal section. Then a family section. And this year we added a podcast section. 

And then within that section, we usually add only about three main things we want to accomplish, because that makes it a lot easier. to focus on. . 

Akko: You're setting yourself up for success instead of setting yourself up for failure. So too much things to do at least for me, it's just not going to happen if I have too many 

things. list won't happen. 

feel Overwhelmed.

and Yeah, so 

less is better for us and simple, but very specific. 

Tamo: Yep. And so we want to increase the chances or the probabilities that we're going to be accomplishing.

and succeeding with what we want to do. So again, we usually only add three main things. And then we have a vision board. In the kitchen, so that we're reminded often, right? Every time we walk into the kitchen, we see the vision board and yeah, we think about it. 

Akko: Exactly. Our eyes always go to it, 

you know? 

Tamo: Exactly. Exactly. And then another thing that we have is that with the things that we want to accomplish, we have to be specific, right. So if you're just saying, oh I want to eat less that doesn't really it's not clear enough instead. You ho you want to say maybe. I'm going to eat only one meal a day, like really clarify. What you want to accomplish? So be specific. Another example would be, do you want to exercise? Okay. Then, instead of just saying, I want to exercise more, say I want to exercise three days a week and then also. What type of exercise will it be? And so that's how we go about creating our annual vision board.

Akko: Yep. 

Tamo: So with that said we just wanted to share a couple of our.

Visions for the coming year. Yeah. And then hopefully it inspires and ignites your next steps towards who you want to 

Akko: Exactly Exactly 

Tamo: So let's start us off with the podcast. So the podcast, We are committed to a once a week consistent schedule for this coming year. So if there are any topics you'd like us to cover, please let us know by going to our website and clicking on the contact us page. And if you have any other new parent friends, please share our podcast and more than anything else. A big, thank you for your support.

Akko: Absolutely. Thank you so much for listening and supporting us.

Tamo: Yup. And as always, we can't do it without you, so we really appreciate it.

And we want to bring as much value to you as we can. So please. Get into contact with us, let us know. What you'd like to hear about, and then we'll do our best to get that topic out to you guys. Yes.

Akko: Yes. 

Tamo: All right. So with that said let's go into kind of the personal annual vision. 

Akko: So, yeah, so for me, my personal goal will be focusing on health this year.

So for example , to be specific. Healthier snacks to be available all the time. 

In the house. So a lot of times because we don't have those healthy snacks. I tend to just run to these junk food that's in the house. So always having healthy snacks that I make, put it in the freezer. Maybe those granola bowls Or those Energy balls. you can put it in the freezer, whatnot. And just not having any junk food in the house. So junk food is to be kept outside of the home. And you know, let's say we're out and we want to eat junk food. That's tolerable. I'm okay with that. But it has to be outside. It can't be. It can't be that we buy it and then we bring it into the house so that we have, we can eat it all the time. So that is something that I will be working on so that there's no junk food. Always to have healthy snacks inside the house and another one. 

That pertains to health is for me to learn a lot more about processed foods and clean eating. I thought I knew what processed foods were. But when I looked up the definition, I was actually amazed and just blown away how much food is processed in the grocery store. So pretty much. I would say more than half of the things, maybe even 80%. I've processed foods. 

So, I mean, obviously there's good processed foods and bad processed foods, and we would like to cater to the good process foods. But yeah, things like a baby carrots. like Those are processed cheese, tea, nut butter, oatmeal. Those are all processed, but I have to educate myself as far as which processed foods are good for you and which are not.

So in addition to the help, I would to add that exercise daily. I am exercising daily right now, as I said in previous podcast.i try to walk in the morning and at least bike afternoon.

So with that said, Tamo 

what is your personal goal for this year? 

Tamo: Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for sharing. And I have to say, yeah, the junk food part really hits home. It's funny because you know, I'm always telling you. When, you know, if there's junk food It's going to be eaten. 

Akko: Yeah 


Tamo: me So yeah, I'm, I'm looking forward to that too, and hope that I can be a support and be supported. By by this vision for the coming 

Akko: absolutely 

It's healthy for us and it's healthier for our kids. I think it's great because our daughter. loves junk food. 

Tamo: Oh, 

Akko: yeah. 

You know, I don't know if it's a kid's thing. but she knows what's junk food and what's not. it's good that we are doing this so that she and our son can get a healthier headstart and yeah

Tamo: yeah. In the beginning, we really started strong, but you know, every holiday season proves to be a season of overeating and over sweets over salt, over fats at anything. 

Yeah exactly. 

Akko: get Things as a gift and you eat them and oh, it's so good and they use just Your body remembers how good it was 

Tamo: want to waste it and yeah, It's all sorts of stuff.

Akko: Yeah 

Tamo: I think, yeah. It's time for us to get back on. Track And then yeah go from there. So yeah. Great to hear that so for myself, It's similar. main things are pretty much physical health and then you know, personal growth and then the other one would be pretty much cutting down screen time. So let me share the details of it. The first one being physical health. So for me exercising each day. And I have an Apple watch and there's a fitness app. And if you have an Apple watch you might know, but there's like rings that you can close.

So, what it does is every day of the ring starts at zero and then The more exercise you have, the more movement you have, the ring starts to close. So I would love to. Make sure that the rings are closed each day as a goal.

Akko: great

Tamo: And, keeping my body really supple and healthy as I go up in age. 

I want to be as strong as, and fit as possible for keeping up with our children. So that's the, the. The main thing that I'm looking to do physically. And then the next one is going to be personal growth through meditation. I've been meditating for quite a while now. And I been taking my meditation practice to the next level. So this year the goal is to meditate for a thousand hours. which Is close to about three hours a day. So that's quite a lot. And from that living. the insights. Received through meditation. So, you know, feeling happier and feeling calm a lot more of the time. And so that's another area that I'm really working on. And then the last one is cutting the amount of time. I'm on the screen. So that's the three main major. vision that I have for myself for the coming year. 

Akko: That's great. Wow. Yeah, that's a lot of meditation. there. 

And I have to say like, 

Tamo has been meditating a lot this year. Like in a lot 


Tamo: that Yeah The previous Yeah. the previous year. Yeah. it was quite a lot 

Akko: And it's great, You know, it just makes the house calm or too

Tamo: Right because you know, like the more I can stay centered, the more I can stay aware, the more I can stay. In the moment, like it helps everyone else too. Exactly, 

Akko: Yeah.

And I myself. too, you know, I just need to get back into that, but yes, it is. It's much difficult with the kids.

Tamo: right? It is. Yeah. 

Akko: I just meditate with the kids. I just really practice. Consciousness and awareness. While I'm with the 

Tamo: Yeah. no, i, I think you know, all this type of practice is different for everyone, for me, I really need to sit down. I think everyone. needs to sit down. Eyes closed. And that that's a nice practice to have, but there's many other ways to practice. Right. And for me, I look at go and say, wow, like I I'm very inspired by how calm she can stay when our children are both crying, screaming, and just writhing about, and then she can still stay calm. And be really compassionate to their needs and being able to do that is a type of meditation because you have to stay in the moment. If not, if you react, then you're going to start screaming at them and things like that. So for me, I always see that and say, Hey, that's her practice. And it's really amazing. And so I've been putting. That practice into my daily routine too. And so. As we spoke about in our previous podcast. It really changed the mindset. For me of how I deal with my, my daughter. So yeah, it's been awesome.

Akko: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 

Tamo: So in regards to family, We have really big plans. Don't we. 


Akko: that we really want to share with you guys. Hopefully in the future. When we start getting the ball

Tamo: rolling.

Yeah Exactly.

Exactly. And this is probably one of the biggest changes that we will be having. In a very long time. It's like yeah, yeah. And it's a really big change that we're looking forward to. So yeah. We will definitely share that and have you on the ride as we go about. 

Akko: Yeah, so. Let's get to the question of the day. 

Tamo: The question of the day is what are your family and personal visions for 2022, we would love to hear from you. 

Akko: Please come say hi on our new website by going toAkko and Tamo.

Dot com. That's a K K O. A N D. T a M o.com. All right. Happy.

Tamo: Happy new year and let's make 2022. Awesome year.

All right.

Take care 

Akko: Bye.