akko & tamo

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How to Create Special Memories with your Child - Episode 52

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Creating special memories with your child is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. One of the best ways to do this is through regular outings and quarterly outings with just the two of you, whether it's a father-daughter date or a parent-child adventure. These one-on-one experiences can help strengthen the bond between parent and child, improve communication and understanding, and provide opportunities for meaningful conversations and shared laughter. They also give children the opportunity to see their parents as individuals, with their own interests and passions, and to feel valued and special. In this podcast, we talk about Tamo and our daughter's outing as they ventured out from Hawaii to California. Join us as we dive deep to the importance of making time for parent-child outings and cherish the moments you create together.

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►00:00 - Intro
►00:26 - Recent Happenings
►00:54 - TOPIC: Father and Daughter Time: Spending Quality Time Together
►01:22 - Expectations of the trip from Hawaii to California
►02:54 - What Tamo Learned
►03:34 - Take Aways

QUESTION: What kind of challenges do you see in creating one-on-one time with your children?

► Copyright Chillhop Music - https://chillhop.com

#qualitytimewithyourkid #fatherdaughtertime #consciousparenting #realizeyourtruenature

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Podcast Transcription

The transcription below is provided for your convenience, please excuse any errors made by the automated service.

Tamo: This is episode 52.

Akko: and the Topic of the day is father and daughter time spending quality time together. And before we get started, please take a quick moment to subscribe to our show. Now let's get back to our recent happenings. So recently we've changed our podcast title and new intro.

Tamo: Yeah. Hope you like it. We used to be Yuntaku time with Akko and Tamo

Akko: Yes Cool

Tamo: Now we changed it to Akko and Tamo podcast.

Akko: Yeah, so we're hoping that can appeal to more people. And just have ourselves out there.

Tamo: Yes. And then in later podcasts episodes we'll love to share our values and mission statement for the podcast. So stay tuned. And yeah, let's go into the topic of the day, which is father and daughter time spending quality time together. And this was an interesting one.

Just recently flew to California. With our daughter for a couple of days to attend a wedding of a good friend. And, akko and I discussed it a bit and decided that it would be.

Akko: Oh Good opportunity

Tamo: for me to fly with our daughter. So it would be one-on-one time with me and our daughter and you can spend time with our son. One-on-one so yeah, we decided to do that and I didn't really know what to expect because. Our daughter, she is three and a half years old. And our son is one And a half years old And she usually needs mama for many things., right?

Akko: She's pretty attached it's, especially during the night. And I think it's because night is tied into comfort. And So she, the kids tend to come to me for more comfort, oh, I Got hurt like more nurturing stuff. But they go to dad for like play and entertainment having fun cause he's more of the fun parent

Tamo: Yeah. And I was yeah, a little worried. Just if she's going to be okay at night, because we all co-sleep together. So all four of us sleep on a bed together. I take up the smallest space. And everyone else. Takes up all the rest of the The bed. And So I'm always on the corner almost falling off.

Akko: All the time.

Tamo: I'm Falling off the bed. Yeah. And so anyways, going back to this story. I didn't really know what a bit worried, but. We decided that, let's test this out. And I went into a relatively optimistically there's a, what, a close to a six hour flight to California and then a couple of days and then fly back. So I was already planning it out and making sure that we're staying relatively busy so that our daughter isn't too caught up in her own thoughts of. Missing mama or missing her brother.

So with that said, I went into it not only optimistically, but I decided to really give it good focus. So I really focusing. Primarily on our daughter's needs. And Understanding her and being with her. Was a big thing for me. So that's what I did and through that I learned a lot from being together and. How I can best communicate with her and improving our relationship, not to say that the relationship was bad, but. It's just good relationship got even better. And it was such a positive experience. It was really great for the two of us. Just to give you a little context.

The first day we flew in. We came in at night, so we just out, went to bed. And then our daughter was excited because we stayed at our previous house. And so She found comfort in being there. And then the next day was the wedding. So we prepared and, I made sure that she understood that we're going to go to a wedding and might be people that she doesn't know, but also blah-blah-blah is coming and sharing information so that she's throw it into something she doesn't know. And especially for our daughter, she likes to have that understanding of what was going to happen she doesn't really like to be thrown completely into something that she doesn't know. And so again just really learning how to communicate with her and not only that, I also learned a lot about myself. I thought that I was patient, but I was able to even push that patients even further. Really taking time to understand what my daughter is needing. And then communicating that to our daughter and getting an affirmative from our daughter and then taking action from there instead of, barking out orders and things like that. And so that, that was a big learning experience that I've also been able to share with Akko and,

Helping. Understanding how best to communicate with our daughter. So because of all that, it significantly improved our relationship. And there's definitely a lot more openness on both sides, both on my side and her side. And it's just been wonderful. And so for those who are listening I would recommend. Creating opportunities to have one-on-one time with your children. And with each of your children, And Starting early, meaning when they're Very young, starting early will allow the relationship to compound over time and bring a lot of joy. And even for our daughter and I, It's another memory that We've created and yes, she's so young. She may not remember but I went into it. With the idea of creating a highlight video. So what I did was I took a lot of video. And then I haven't created it yet, but I'll be creating a highlight video of that trip together so that she can keep it in her positive, fun memory. Bank and always kinda looked back at it. And even in the future, when. She's much older, she'll always have access to these videos so that she can look back at the past and have a smile. Oh. that was really fun. When I went on a trip with dad or a when I went To do this with mom. or great times with my brother, things like that. So, creating a. Positive. fun, loving. Past. will create for a better future. So that's the reason I've created that.

And then on the trip we've visited her grandparents. my parents. And then, yeah, it was a really great time flew back. And then Once we got Our daughter was so happy to see mama and her. Brother. It was really great.

Akko: And I can totally tell the difference. When she came back she was a lot more. Like wanting to be with dad. Not that she wasn't before, but it was just a lot more noticeable even at night. So it's been a great experience and I can see. That it was a positive impact on everyone. And, hoping to do that with each of our children. So that. All of them gets to experience both of us.

Tamo: Yeah. And I think that one-on-one time is really important, going out as a family. Great. Yeah, that's fantastic. But, there's also, I think an openness that happens when someone is one-on-one with another person. Because

for example, in our family's case, when we're all together as a family, sometimes our children have to Ask

Akko: for our attention. So if.

Tamo: We're getting more attention to one, the other will need to. Compete for attention from parents. So there's a little bit more to it than when you're one-on-one. And so by being with your child One-on-one we're able to give them. Our full attention to especially if this. One-on-one time is intentionally created so that to, as a parent, have to worry about war or errands or anything like like that. Although we can mix errands. With being with your child. And so those things are something to think about.

If you think this episode is helpful for other parents, Please share it. And if you haven't please take a quick moment to subscribe show.

And the question of the day is what kind of challenges do you see in creating one-on-one time with your children?

Akko: We'd love to hear from you. Please come say hi by commenting on our website. By going to AKKOANDTAMO.COM. And clicking on the podcast tab.

All right. Bye.

Tamo: Take care.